QueueMetrics 16.09
'QueueMetrics 16.09' is a release centered around the idea of making the software flexible, intuitive and ever more reliable.
New concepts: FCR and Programmable data blocks
Improving the Icon page and suite usability
Official Docker image
Introducing Uniloader
Fixing some major and minor bugs
QueueMetrics 16.09 fully supports Asterisk 13.11, as well as any older Asterisk version.
New concepts: FCR and Programmable data blocks
This release of QueueMetrics introduces the concepts of
Tracking Call Resolutions
Programmable agent data blocks
Tracking Call Resolutions
Have you ever wondered how many of the calls you receive are people calling over and over for the same issue? such calls are often a symptom of something not going well in call handling - everybody wants their problem solved on their first call. Identifying those calls makes it possible to concentrate on repeated calls as a measure of your quality of service.
QueueMetrics 16.09 introduces a new set of statistics to address these problems:
The 'Break-down of recalls' shows how many callers have been calling just once or multiple times, using a graph that looks similar to existing SLA graphs for an immediate visual check
The 'Recall details' shows how many calls are First Call Resolutions and how man are repeated, the average number of calls per caller and the number of missing caller-ids.
The 'Cluster details' shows the groups of calls by the same caller, when they started and when they ended, and lets you zoom in to any call.
See also
QueueMetrics User Manual, chapter 6.14 - "Historical reports - First Call Resolution (FCRs)"
Programmable agent data blocks
QueueMetrics now has a fully customizable agent data block that can be used to create custom metrics.
The idea is that, differently from normal data blocks where columns are fixed, this new data block just offers you a list of agents as its first column; all other columns are computed the way you define them to be.
Fo example, if you enter the following definitions:
Session [hms]= SESSION Pause [hms]= PAUSETIME Tot Avail [hms]= SESSION - (PAUSETIME + (TALKTIME + OOSCALL)) Occupation = TALKTIME / (SESSION - PAUSETIME)
Will show one column with total session time, one with total pause time, one with total available time and one with "Occupation" expressed as a percentage. As the embedded data sources are able to count and measure specific pause codes, it becomes very easy to create agent reports that are fully customized to your environment.
See Also
QueueMetrics User Manual, chapter 6.17 - "6.17. User-Programmable Reports"
QueueMetrics User Manual, chapter 6 - "AG09 - Agent Occupancy Report"
QueueMetrics User Manual, chapter 6 - "AG18 - Programmable Agent Performance"
This release offers improved localozation facilities, especially for non-Latin languages (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic and Hebrew). It is now possible to export PDF’s correctly for non-Latin languages, and such laguages appear correctly everywhere in QueueMetrics.
Plus, we added support for Portuguese as spoken in Portugal, as it has some significant differences from Brazilian Portuguese.
Changes on the Icon Agent’s page
With an updated release of the WebRTC soft-phone, the Icon agent page works well with recent versions of Asterisk. We have created a new tutorial to help you get started with WebRTC on Asterisk 13+.
It is now easy to run Icon even with CRM systems that do not allow being embedded in an inner frame. A new configuration property lets you decide whether you want the default embedded mode or you want CRM forms to be opened in a separate window/tab.
If you click on a telephone number in the Icon page, it will be copied to your system clipboard.
The Icon agent page is now able to detect if the system it is connected to loses session information (e.g., it gets rebooted) so that this information will be shown to the agent and they will be prompted for a new log-in. The page does not reload automatically, because agents need some time to terminate any work they are doing on the embedded CRM’s and to hang up any soft-phone call they are attending.
See also
New configuration property agent.openUrlInPopup
We will shortly be releasing an updated tutorial on how to get started with WebRTC on Asterisk 13.
Improvements to the Explore System Parameters page
The "Explore System Parameters" page has been improved to be easier to use and to be your go-to place for any common configuration change in QueueMetrics.
The layout has been made easier on the eye, and it is now easier than ever to search for the items you are looking for - be it by property name (as it is usually referenced on our documentation), by content or by title.
Official QueueMetrics Docker image
QueueMetrics now ships with an "official" Docker image, available as 'loway/queuemetrics' on Docker Hub.
The image is meant as a simple way to run QueueMetrics on a Docker cluster; it embeds both the database and the servlet container, exposing only the HTTP port. It supports data volumes and has an embedded health check that will monitor QueueMetrics and restart it, should it become unresponsive.
On a server with Docker installed, you can therefore provision a new QueueMetrics system by running:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -P -d loway/queuemetrics
And you can configure it fully through the JSON APIs. This makes running multiple QueueMetrics servers - or just the odd instance for testing - very plain and straightforward.
See also
The QueueMetrics page on Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/loway/queuemetrics/
Introducing Uniloader
Most QueueMetrics system rely on a small daemon called "qloaderd" to keep them in sync with what is happening on the PBX. While this has proved to be a rock-solid solution over the years, it is sometimes more complex than it should be and it requires an underlying Perl 5 installation.
As we developed QueueMetrics Live, we needed a solution that would be very lightweight (enough to run on very small embedded systems), would have no external dependencies, would run on systems where there is no direct connectivity back to the Asterisk box (e.g. a PBX behind NAT) and could be grown to support both on-premise and cloud-based systems.
The result of this process was the development of Uniloader, a new generation data loader for QueueMetrics:
it can feed local and remote QueueMetrics systems
is rock-solid and never loses data, even in case of network errors
it is able to split data natively into multiple QueueMetrics instances, in order to support cloud-based hosting providers running multiple independent clients on the same Asterisk instance
it acts as a proxy and can perform agent actions even when there is no direct AMI connection to the PBX
it is extremely lightweight and has no system dependencies
compiles natively to Linux x86 32bit, x86 64bit and ARM 5+ architectures
While you can still run "classic" qloaderd, we suggest checking out the new Uniloader to see if it You can install it easily using the supplied 'uniloader' RPM package of from the tar.gz archive.
Uniloader works very well with the official QueueMetrics Docker image - do check them out together.
See also
QueueMetrics Live https://queuemetrics-live.com
The Uniloader manual http://manuals.loway.ch/Uniloader-chunked/
Detailed changelog
Over 80 bugs have been fixed in this release.
Real-time page
3159 - Messages to agents not working
3046 - Problems with "In queue" field in realtime page
3047 - Supervisor can pause agents with non allowed pause codes
3078 - Paused agents not shown correctly
3026 - AMI 2.8.0
3035 - Agent Efficiency
2933 - PDF export does not work with non-latin encodings
2984 - Reports: optional column for "Transferred to" on call details
1947 - Error: Null pointer in DayOfWeek (session expired?)
1948 - Error: Compute Report Header (session expired?)
2721 - Recordings not available in cluster mode
2951 - New reports: calls by caller
3011 - Productivity
3036 - PDF export not working with RTL languages
3048 - Possible different homepage news URL
3051 - Exporting dynamic to XLS/CSV data columns does not work
3119 - Bug: Tabella non LtCallsOK when creating IVRs
3132 - Avoid method setArrayList()
3133 - First Call Resolution: Break down of recalls
3134 - First Call Resolution: Caller IDs vs calls
3135 - First Call Resolution: Call details
3136 - First Call Resolution
2743 - ErrProd 15.02: NullPointer GetSessionId
2744 - ErrProd 15.02: NUllPointer popup_sessioni_pause.jsp
2746 - ErrProd 15.02: IllegalState in session
2788 - ErrProd 15.02: NullPOinter QApopupDO
2905 - Announcement and wrap-up times are not taken into consideration
3030 - Incorrect URL computed from request if proxied
3034 - CVS/XLS file download does not work in Jetty.
3089 - Self-Service Agent reporting not working for new agents
3028 - QA: 0 as a valid value for drop-downs
2980 - QA form unusable in Russian
3112 - If I open the call’s details from Tasks markers are not shown correctly
2916 - QA Grader: queues expansion with * is not working
2981 - Calls remain open on ATTENDEDTRANSFER
3161 - Long-running threads
Page Layout
3169 - Broken page - missing jQuery UI
2936 - Add cache breaker parameter after JS, CSS and favicon inclusion
Icon Agent Page
2971 - Call not closing on Icon for ATTENDEDTRANSFERs
3006 - Unreadable text in buttons in Icon when pausing in Russian
3128 - Opening non-embedded URLs in Icon
3129 - Remove GWT compile warnings
3146 - Dialout panel shouldn’t be disabled if agent is paused
3156 - Copying the number called in Icon
2664 - If the agent is already logged in, use the logged extension by default
2928 - Property to make outcome setting time customizable
3055 - Production errors: expired?
3070 - AMI feedback errors on Live instances
3125 - realtime.assertExtensionNotInUse doesn’t work if agent is not member of the queues
3084 - Formatting of Outcomes pop-up
3071 - Services should abort if agent logged off
3052 - CRMapp is not shown if you didn’t set a CRMlabel
3063 - Button disappears with realtime.dynamicLoginQueues=registered
3068 - If connection is lost (several minutes) page doesn’t work again when connection is restored
3069 - If server doesn’t respond ICON doesn’t tell anything to the agent
2973 - Expanding agent code in "fixed" URLs in Icon
2935 - In hotdesking mode, avoid logging on with empty extension
3079 - If agent is wrap or spill queues are shown twice
3072 - Softphone sipml5-api update
2849 - Logging logon exceptions
3102 - Impossible to download audio file though API
3141 - Uniloader: actions returned in wrong order
2974 - API error: ClassCastException in RealtimeDO.RtAgentsRaw
2985 - Accepting queue names with spaces
3091 - All SLA report parameters are ignored
3040 - realtime.assertExtensionNotInUse is true by default
3041 - Regexps accept only non-empty extension or agent code by default
3073 - Export XLS as UTF-8
3123 - Forcing default QueueMetrics language
3145 - Improvements to Explore System Parameters
3031 - qm-tomcat6: memory used in restarts
3142 - Remove '--' from "Current Terminal" field in Agent’s configuration