Printing all QueueMetrics users and agents in one go
It is sometimes useful to get a tabular output of:
all users in a QueueMetrics instance that are currently enabled and not holding the masterkey (as no users should hold the msterkey in production)
their current class and extra keys
their configured agent aliases, if any
their current location, supervisor and agent group
the set of queues they are supposed to work on
so that you can see at a glance the current state and whether there are any misconfigurations.
The following query does just that:
SELECT U.login AS LOGIN, U.real_name AS NAME, C.nome_classe as CLASS, C.chiavi as CLASS_KEYS, U.chiavi_utente as USER_KEYS, U.ultimo_logon as LAST_LOGON, AG.descr_agente as AGENT_CODE, AG.aliases as FRIENDLY_NAMES, LOC.loc_name as LOCATION, SUP.login as SUPERVISOR, GRO.group_name as AGENT_GROUP, ( SELECT group_concat(CP.nome_coda SEPARATOR ', ') AS QUEUES FROM code_possibili CP WHERE CP.agenti_membri LIKE concat( '%', U.login, '%') OR CP.agenti_spilloff_1 LIKE concat( '%', U.login, '%') OR CP.agenti_spilloff_2 LIKE concat( '%', U.login, '%') ) AS QUEUES FROM arch_users U JOIN arch_classes C on C.id_classe = U.classe LEFT JOIN agenti_noti AG on AG.nome_agente = U.login LEFT JOIN locations LOC on LOC.id_location = AG.location LEFT JOIN arch_users SUP on SUP.user_id = AG.supervised_by LEFT JOIN agent_groups GRO on GRO.id_group = AG.group_by WHERE U.abilitato = 1 AND U.masterkey = 0 ORDER BY U.login ASC
By running it agains the QueueMetrics database from any MySQL shell, you will get a complete report you can export or reprocess as you see fit.