Appendix F: The QueueMetrics watchdog page

QueueMetrics has a watchdog page - that is, if you request a page called: ''/sysup.jsp'', you get an answer that is a valid JSON object of the format:

  "state" : "QMUP",
  "ramFreeMb" : 118,
  "ramTotalMb" : 152,
  "ramMaxMb" : 1818,
  "generatedOn" : "Tue Nov 05 16:44:30 CET 2013",
  "version" : "13.12.01 build 607"

If the page contains the string QMUP, this means that QueueMetrics is working and able to talk to the database.

The other information on memory usage can be used to be stored in a long-term tracking system (e.g. Nagios, Zabbix, Pandora…​.) in order to make it possible to understand if there are memory issues.

We offer a sample watchdog script that checks whether QM is running or not and restarts it - you can find it at ''WEB-INF/mysql-utils/restart/''.