QueueMetrics Live configuration

Available configurations

Automatic queue and agent configuration

This configuration will be done by Loway when setting up the system; you will find properties like:


When you log on the first time, or when you make any changes in Enswitch, you will have to:

  • Log in to QM-Live as an admin

  • Click on "Configuration synchronizer"

  • Click on "Import configuration" (the cloud with an up-arrow) and then click OK.

  • When the configuration is loaded fron Enswitch, all new queues and agents will be created. You can review that it’s okay and then click on the "Save" icon (the golden floppy disk) to apply.

This will:

  • Copy all queues

  • Copy all extensions and create an agent with that extension code. QueueMetrics does not count extensions for its licensing model unless they are actually used on queues, so having even unused one in the configuration is harmless.

ATM users are not created, so you need to create them manually when needed.

Enabling Enswitch agent actions

Each QM-Live system must be set like:

The fields TENANT_USER and TENANT-PASSWORD refer to the Enswitch API user.

Settings are usually defined centrally and applied to all instances.

The following features are supported:

  • CALLOUTCOME: Set call outcome

  • ADDFEATURECODE: Set feature code

  • REMOVEFEATURECODE: Remove feature code

  • SOFTHANGUP: Hangup call from RT

  • TRANSFER: Transfer call from RT

  • SPY_INBOUND: Spy call

  • ADDMEMBER: Agent starts working

  • REMOVEMEMBER: Agent stops working

  • PAUSE: Agent pauses (on all queues), with an optional pause code

  • UNPAUSE: Agent resumes working

Please note that in the default "closed log-on mode", ADDMEMBER and REMOVEMEMBER do not allow cherry-picking a queue - logging on to a queue will log on to any queue, and vice-versa. With "open log-on" agents (and their supervisors) can decide dynamically who is going to work where.

Open log-on mode has to be set manually in the instance.

Manually creating queues and agents

The process below is explained for reference, but it is more effective to use automatic configuration - see Automatic configuration.


First create a User:

  • Login: Agent/5525646

  • Password: (whatever)

  • Real name: John Doe

  • Enabled: Yes

  • E-mail: johndoe@company.co

  • Class: AGENTS

  • Masterkey: No

Then its Agent:

  • Asterisk agent code: agent/5525646

  • Agent description: John Doe

  • Asterisk Aliases: SIP/5525646@enswitch (note: not "enswitch-local"!)

The agent can log in with either their user name or their e-mail address, the latter usually being easier to remember than the long codes used in Enswitch.


You have to manually create queues using:

  • Queue alias: a description for the user

  • Queue(s): the queue name as it appears in Enswitch

Accessing audio recordings

Should already work if setting:


together with the "Agent actions" settings above.

To enable recordings:

  • Create a Recording Group in Enswitch

  • Select Telephone Lines, find the number you want and set its recording group to an existing one

Automatically creating new instances using the QM Live API

If you create QML instances using the API, you can set the accounts to be used for data pulling from your Enswitch system, so that everything just works.

  • kNumber: esw/ENSWITCH_URL TENANT_USER TENANT_PASSWORD TENANT_ID - e.g. "esw/https://myenswitch.pbx.my myuser p@ssw0rd 27", each value separated by a space.

  • kApikey: YOUR_API_KEY - you can set it to any random string, and it must be the same as

At the moment, data pullers downloading data from Enswitch and forwarding it to your QM Live instance are started manually, so if you have a tight time-frame, make sure you contact Loway so they are started immediately once the instance is created.

Complete configuration example

This is a complete configuration example, to be appended manually.


