
QueueMetrics Live works well with Enswitch PBXs; they are both meant for multi-tenant service.


The idea is quite simple:

  • You create a set of QueueMetrics Live instances to match the tenants you want to have QueueMetrics Live for

  • Loway pulls data periodically out of each tenant and pushes it into each QMLive instance

  • You can enable agent actions so that agent management and chanspy functions can be used through the QM interface. This is optional.

  • You can enable Enswitch recordings so that call recordings can be seen (and accessed) through QueueMetrics; this lets you - for example - access the Quality Assessment tracking modules.


  • QueueMetrics Live is the SaaS offering for QueueMetrics. It runs multiple separate instances, one for each tenant.

  • A QueueMetrics Live Instance is a-..

  • Enswitch is …​.

  • An API KEY is used if you want to generate and manage QueueMetrics Live instances without contacting Loway.


  • A working Enswitch system, version 3.15+ set up with multiple tenants.

  • A custom domain name to host your QueueMetrics Live, here

  • A QueueMetrics Live API key (optional)