Custom PBX settings

Uniloader can run on several Asterisk-based PBXs - on custom hardware, or in specific distributions. Here are reported some configuration hints for specific systems.

Yeastar myPBX

For this system you need to download the Uniloader Installation script and run it, it will install Uniloader automatically.

  • Go into /persistent in case you have a Yeastar U PBX or /ysdisk/support/tmp if you have a Yeastar S PBX

  • Download the script with wget

  • Execute the script with sh yeastar

  • Follow the instructions

  • When finished restart the PBX

Integrating MyPBX with QueueMetrics Live requires some modifications on the QueueMetrics Live settings. This can be easily performed through a web page tool reachable from the QueueMetrics Live home page by following the below steps:

  • Log on QueueMetrics Live with administrative rights

  • Click on the "Edit system parameters" under the "Administrative tools" subset

  • Look at the configuration key$EM@from-internal and change as$EM

  • Repeat the same for the configuration keys and

  • Save, then log-off from QueueMetrics Live