QueueMetrics' Agent Page

If you want, you can have your agents log-in into QueueMetrics and use their own Agents Page to:

  • Log-in and log-off from their queues

  • See the calls they are handling

  • Have a CRM automatically open when they answer a call

  • Pause and unpause themselves, setting their pause code so the supervisor can see it (e.g. Lunch versus Back office)

  • Receive messages from their supervisors

  • Run a limited set of self-service reports to see their own statistics

Setting up the Agent’s page

The agent’s page is already set up in QueueMetrics Live. If you use the autoconfiguration option together with the Ansible script to manage your system, it will work immediately.

Logging on as an administrator, you can open up the configuration bar and select "Users" to see all agents configured in your system - their login starts with "Agent/" and they belong to class AGENTS. Their password is the default one you set up in the Ansible script, but you can change it.

If you add an e-mail address to the User, they can log in using the e-mail address and their password without having to remember a separate set of credentials.

If you create agents and queues manually, and want agent actions, remember to set the "External reference ID" field with the unique-id used internally by FusionPBX to identify each resource. This happens automatically with Uniloader.

Using the Agent’s page

An agent logs in from the main page of QueueMetrics Live with their own credentials, usually in the form "Agent/name_surname" or (if you set it up) their e-mail from the main page of QueueMetrics.

As FusionPBX has centralized presence, the agent cannot control on which queues they want to work; by "dragging right" any queue, so the agent will log on to all of their queues at once, and vice versa. See ADDMEMBER mode for further details.

Using multiple agent/queue sets to control agent presence

To work around the static set of queues available for an agent, people sometimes configure multiple agents for the same human agent, each of which has a different set of queues. So you could have your user '200' logging on to Agent/200-A-B (that works on queues A and B) and Agent/200-C (that only works on queue C).

When reporting, such agents will appear separately, and will consume a QueueMetrics Live license each. It is then possible to then create an Agent/200 that will work as a "catch-all", and then set its aliases to Agent/200-A-B|Agent-200-C, in order to coalesce all activity made by the same (human) agent on the same agent account.

This makes the system clearer in terms of reporting and avoids over-counting the same person, but has two important downsides:

  • It cannot be known whether a call was handled by Agent/200-A-B or Agent-200-C

  • Actions from the agent’s page will not work as expected, as QM won’t know on which agent they are to be performed.