
The Loway Keyring is a web application written in Java. It requires the same infrastructure as QueueMetrics (Java 6, a MySQL database). In addition, it requires a cron entry to update licenses automatically when needed.

The Keyring can be installed alongside an existing QueueMetrics installation or on a different, dedicated server. The box that the keyring is installed on must be able to reach all the required QM instances - either on a private network or through VPN tunnels. It must also be able to connect to the Internet for key generation.

The Keyring cannot control an instance of QueueMetrics that is installed on the same machine, as during the update process the whole servlet container is restarted.

Installing using RPM

If your Linux distribution uses RPM, installing the Loway Keyring is very easy:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/loway.repo
yum install LowayKeyring

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to execute a script to install the initial database.

cd /usr/local/queuemetrics/webapps/LowayKeyring-22.02.1/WEB-INF/README

You will be prompted to enter your MySQL root password and the default database will be loaded.

In order to access it, point your browser to: http://yourserver:8080/LowayKeyring

Once you see the welcome page, do not forget to set up a cron job as described below.

Setting up a cron job

In order to set up a cron job, run the following command:

crontab -e

When the editor appears, add a line that looks like:

0 23 * * * /usr/bin/wget -O- "

(it must be all on one single line).

Make sure that you change the default login and password once you set up the Keyring. Running the cron job daily should usually be enough, though there is no harm in running it hourly.

We strongly suggest using a single time-source throughout all your deployment - so that cross-machine logs make sense and are readable. You can easily achieve this by running ntp periodically to make sure that the clock is aligned on all your servers.