Introducing the Loway Keyring

The Loway Keyring is a simple dashboard application that allows you to administer multiple instances of QueueMetrics that are deployed on a private cloud.

These can be provisioned, scaled up and down and even closed using a web GUI that keeps track of which licenses are installed on each system and that lets you change them as needed.

This model is best suited for deploying a large number of parallel QueueMetrics instances - for example, as a complement of an existing Asterisk cloud offer - without taking the financial risk of purchasing many long-term licenses.

In this way:

  • You can generate a key as soon as your clients ask for it (no delays due to bank payments, different time zones, etc.)

  • If your business model is hosting remote call centers with QueueMetrics, you can purchase QM licenses that last as long as your client has paid you for; if they pay you monthly, you do not have to commit to a four-year license in advance.

  • When each key short-lived expires, the Keyring will silently install a different one - you invoice your client for actual usage only.

Terminology used

A pre-purchased key (PPK) is an activation key that you purchase from Loway and specifies an activation period for a given license of QueueMetrics - for example, a PPK that looks like this:


will eventually convert into a 90-day QueueMetrics key for 50-agents and 1 Asterisk server, counting from the day you convert it.

A license key is the actual key that will be installed in QueueMetrics in order to activate it. It can be installed manually within the 'web.xml' file or in QM itself, on the License page. It contains a fixed expiration date that cannot be changed once it’s generated.